Keeping it short: SWISS KRONO AG is one of the leading international suppliers and the only Swiss manufacturer of decorative wood materials for interior design, furniture and shop fittings as well as high quality floors. From the heart of Switzerland, we already export quality and sustainability to over 90 countries. And perhaps to your home soon?
At home in Lucerne canton and lounges
in over 90 countries
At home in
Lucerne canton
And lounges in
over 90 countries

SWISS KRONO – Family tradition
for over 55 years
Family tradition
for over 55 years

Our origins:
Our origins:
from Menznau to the whole world
In 1966, Ernst Kaindl († 2017) founded “AG für Holzindustrie” in idyllic Menznau in the Lucerne hinterland. Within half a century, the original trading location has developed into something quite different: an internationally active and family-owned company that celebrated its 55th anniversary as SWISS KRONO AG in 2021.

Our production site:
Our production site:
500 for 17 million
At our Swiss site, 500 employees have only one thing on their minds every day: the production of wood-based quality materials at the highest level, without losing sight of environmental protection. What is the outcome? An area equivalent to 7 football fields of floors every day. Or no less than 17,500,000 m2 every year.

If Switzerland is on it,
Switzerland must be in it
If Switzerland
is on it,
must be in it
When it comes to quality and sustainability, we only know one direction – the only right one. It is a matter of course that SWISS KRONO AG processes as much wood as possible from Swiss forests to produce its high quality “Made in Switzerland” wood-based materials. Every day. From 1966.